Somewhere in my travels among the beautiful blogs I've been discovering lately someone, and I can't remember who, mentioned they found the perfect white; "Swiss Coffee" from Dunn-Edwards, not too yellowy, not too gray or bluish. Just what I was looking for. I went to their website and to my dismay discovered that Dunn-Edwards does not sell their paint to the East coast! WHAT?? Such beautiful colors, what a shame. I ordered several brochures and samples anyway I figured maybe I could persuade MS. Dunn or MR. Edwards to peddle their wares out here. ;)

My samples were waiting in my mailbox yesterday! I was so excited, I was like the dad in "A Christmas Story" when he won his award. The colors are truly beautiful, really rich. I really like Swiss Coffee. Another color caught my eye; "Midday Sun", it's a beautiful yellow-orange, not too much of either, it looked nice in the chip. When I looked at the cover of the brochure it looked as if it may be the same color, it was! It gave me the idea of the whole room in that color. I was thinking of this color for the area above the wainscoting, it's not a lot of wall space so it wouldn't be overwhelming. I had been thinking of a faux finish, a plaster, but I don't want to overdo the faux since that's what my passion is and I do a lot of it already. Plus I really want to stick with the cottage theme.
I know pictures never translate the actual richness of a color, I took pictures with and without flash and I used the cover of the brochure to show you.
So I guess I'm asking anyone that reads this for an input what do you think? Is it cottagey?
Michelle - I love that yellow. And yes I think it is a cottage color. You should be able to take those paint chips to a local store and have a color match done. It is a shame that they don't sell on this coast :-(. Make sure you post pictures when you are done!!
Hi Penny
I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble for saying that, but that's why I got the chips ;)
Behr paint ( sold at Home Depot) has Swiss Coffee. Maybe the Dunns and the Behrs are related ,LOL.
LOL Janet!! Behr is the stuffy New Englander relative, the Dunn-Edwards are the hip, edgy LA relatives! :)
Hi Michelle,
Thanks so much for visiting me! I entered your name in the give away!
Your blog is right up my alley, paint colors...yummy. I agree with Penny, any store can match that in California, practically all model homes have atleast a few rooms painted Swiss's a great color!
I just had my ceiling painted last week and it was Behr Swiss Coffee. It is a nice color. I love Behr paint, it's so think and creamy. I love the yellow. The lighter color above it looks like the color of my living room/dining room walls. I love's very cottagy.
Thanks everyone for the great comments, really solidified my yellow choice. I love Behr paint too and it's the paint I use most on the faux finish jobs I do. I've used just about every paint out there (except Dunn-Edwards LOL!) and I really prefer Behr.
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