Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Thank you

To those artists from Yahoo's Altered Book Group who took the time to look at my work and give me some feedback. I appreciate it very much.

Lately I haven't had much time at all to work on anything! My new husband (we were married in Jan) was shipped out to serve his Country a few days after we were married so I am at home, with four dogs and a old farmhouse (that always needs work) and I am beginning my beekeeping journey SO my art has been on the back burner lately!

Just NOT enough time in the day!! I can't even IMAGINE if I had young children HOW I would do it!! My son is almost 21, so he is out on his own and starting his life! *sniff*sniff* I am so proud of him though, he and his band were signed to a record company so his life is filled with work and music (or visa versa).

Thanks for reading

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